Initial Consult


What to expect

After booking an initial consultation you will receive my New Patient Intake forms in an e-mail. I ask that you print off this 7 page document and complete it before our first visit. Intake forms gather personal information about your current, past, and family medical history,  personal health habits, diet and lifestyle, what medications/supplements/herbs you are on, any formal or relevant diagnosis, allergies, current emotional state, what your health goals are, etc.

I will start a patient file folder for you where your intake form will be kept and notes will be added to over subsequent visits. Any visit in my practice is always welcomed with a hot pot of herbal tea. During the initial consultation we will go over your intake form in depth, covering all bodily systems. It is helpful if you bring photocopies of any relevant blood work or lab results to keep on file as well. Relevant physical exams may be performed with patient's consent.

We will prioritize your health goals in terms of what to focus on in each visit and what is realistic for you. The beauty of herbal medicine is that it often allows for us to address  multiple bodily systems at once. My goal is always to start with small changes as to not overwhelm. I find compliance most successful this way. I will create a protocol for you with custom formulations (usually a tincture formula, a tea formula, and possibly vitamins and supplements) as well as dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Tincture or fluid extract formulas are dispensed in your presence from my apothecary. I use organic biodynamic herbal tinctures and fluid extracts with regulated herbal APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Constituents) and quality assurance. I currently do not carry dried teas, vitamins, or supplements, so these are re-directed to local shops I trust.

After the initial consultation a follow-up is usually done 1-2 weeks later. Follow ups may be over the phone, over Skype, or in person. I also offer Skype/phone consultations for clients who live out of town, have mobility issues, or have other personal reservations.
My practice is LGBTQ2+ friendly and inclusive of all people. Sadly my current practice space is not wheel-chair friendly, however there are ways we can work around this. If finances are a barrier for you or someone you know who needs access to herbal medicine a sliding scale rate may apply.